Mr. Blue Sky creates all the majestic splendor that is the music of Electric Light Orchestra. With a Focus on the band’s hits from the 70s, 80s and latest records, and mixing in selective deep cuts, MBS produces the ultimate ELO experience!
ADV GA - $20
DOS GA - $25
4 PACK GA - $60
(stadium seating is first come, first serve)
6:00 PM - Doors
7:00PM - Emily Wallace
8:00PM - Mr. Blue Sky
***Set times subject to change without notice***
Food Trucks
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What Do We Do In The Event of Inclement Weather? ›
How Do I Rent The Chesterfield Amphitheater? ›
Will Food And Beverage Be Provided? ›
Where Can I Find More Information About The Chesterfield Amphitheater? ›
*COVID-19 is highly contagious and is known to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. By attending an event, program or visiting a City of Chesterfield facility, you agree: (1) to abide by the procedures established by the St. Louis County Dept. of Health and the CDC to help protect attendees and staff; (2) to voluntarily assume the risk that you and/or your family may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at any and all Chesterfield events, programs or facilities; (3) to assume all the risks of attendance and participation for you and your family; (4) to waive all liability against the City of Chesterfield and all other parties associated with the event, programs and facilities; and (5) to agree to indemnify the City of Chesterfield for any claims brought against the City of Chesterfield by any person you have agreed to assume the risk for under these terms.